When you come in for a bike fit or a chiropractic treatment at our Kensington clinic, it’s important that our chiropractors have a holistic view of you and your lifestyle. Here’s an overview of what we ask during your first consultation.
When you come in for a bike fit or a chiropractic treatment at our Kensington clinic, it’s important that Forward Chiropractic has a holistic view of you and your lifestyle.
Here’s an overview of what we ask during your first consultation.
When we ask about any past history of your condition, we’re doing this to understand what steps have been taken to address the underlying or root cause of your problem.
In a perfect world, if you're able to come prepared with the types of specialist or health care provider you’ve seen and when you saw them. This helps us get an understanding of what has worked for you, and it will help us give you the best possible care.
Believe it or not, sometimes a part surgery or treatment on another part of the body can be the root cause of the issue you’re seeing us for. Sometimes shoulder pain can be caused by an old neck injury, or a torn hamstring from playing football earlier in life can lead to lower back pain. There are many reasons why your body might be reacting in the way it is.
It’s important to list these so we can understand your body and how it has been operating over the years.
For us, this is one of the biggest questions and for each person, the answer will be different. When sharing this information, it’s important to know that we at Forward Chiropractic are here to give you the best care we can, and we want to help you achieve your health goals and get back to optimal living.
It’s important to note any modifications in your lifestyle to compensate for your injury, i.e. opening a door with your left hand to avoid putting strain on your right shoulder.
For all of our patients, we want the best outcome for them. We want to work with you, and your body, to get your preferred health outcome. This might be living pain-free through something as crucial as being able to pick up your kids or being able to ride a bike faster.
We are here to listen and understand what success looks like and how we can be part of that journey.